运动: arrange things or get things ...本体: noumenon; thing-in-itself bo ...预测: calculate; forecast; prognos ...运动客体预测 运动客体预测: prediction to motor object运动客体预测: prediction to motor object总体预测: macro forecast; macroforecast本体运动知觉: self perception of body motion运动本身就是矛盾motion: itself is a contracition运动预测: motion estimation本体: 1.[哲学]noumenon; thing-in-itself (德国哲学家康德唯心主义哲学中的主要概念,指与现象对立的不可认识的“自在之物”)2.(主要部分)body◇本体感觉proprioception;proprioceptive sensibility; 本体[自身]感受proprioception; 本体感受器proprioceptor; 本体论 ontology; 本体语句 body statement被动本能: passive instinct不动本基金: nonexpendable fund冲动本性: impulsive nature反动本质: reactionary nature孙安动本: sun an's angry采用了运动补偿预测: motion compensated prediction预测某种运动员获胜: pick预测: calculate; forecast; prognosis; divine; forecasting; foreshadowing; predetermination 预测日蚀 calculate an eclipse of the sun; 预测台风 detect a typhoon; 作无把握的预测 hazard a forecast; (股票)行情预测 stock-market farecasting; 商情预测 business forecast; 对可能发生的事作出相当准确的预测 give a fairly accurate forecast of what may happen; 统计分析是一种相当可靠的预测方法。 statistical analysis is a means of arriving at a fairly reliable forecast 个体预防: individual prophylaxis集体预防: coilective prophylaxis; collective prophylaxis媒体预计: median estimate媒体预算: media budge气体预热器: gas preheater团体预订: group booking; group reservation团体预约: group reservation