过热: superheat; superheating; exc ...结构: structure; composition; cons ...热结构: thermal structure; tone'smal structure隔热结构: insulated structure绝热结构: heat insulating construction耐热结构: heat-resistant structure热结构分析: thermostructural analysis耐火结构;耐热结构: fire-resisting construction热结: accumulation of heat; heat accumulating; heat constipation; hot junction; stasis of heat过热: superheat; superheating; excessive heating; generation of excess heat; hot shot; overheat (车辆) 经济过热 overheated economy; 过热保险器 overtemperature cutout; 过热部位 hot spot; 过热点 hot spot; 过热警报器 temperature alarm; 过热信号 heat alarm; overtemperature signal; 过热装置 superheater热结点: hot junction; thermojunction热结合: thermal bonding热结节: hot nodule热结胸: accumulation of heat in the chest大肠热结: constipation due to heat in large intestine; constipation due to heat in the large intestine; detention of heat in the large intestine; detention of heat in the larhge intestine; heat-evil accumulating in the large intestine; large intestinal; pyretic retention of large intestine; retention of heat in the large intestine大肠热结证: syndrome of heat accumulated in large intestine津亏热结证: syndrome of fluid deficiency and accumulated heat耐热结合: high-temperature adhesive bonding内泻热结: purge away internal stasis of heat轻下热结: relieve heat accumulation by mild effect热结膀胱: accumulation of heat in the urinary bladder; cystic retention of heat; evil heat accumulated in the bladder; evil heat accumulating in the bladder; heat-evil accumulates in the bladder; insufficiency and chills of the urinary bladder; re jie pang guang heat bound in the bladder; stagnation of heat in the urinary bladder热结腹痛: pyroretentional abdominalgia热结合层: thermal bond热结旁流: diarrhea with retention; fecal impaction due to heat with watery discharge; fecal impaction with watery diarrhea热结胃肠: accumulation of heat in the stomach and intestinr