Use a filter funnel and paper to filter the mixture of copper sulphate, sand and water into a second jar . 用过滤漏斗和过滤纸把硫酸铜、砂子和水的混合物过滤到另一个广口瓶里。
Filter paper and filterboard - determination of maximum pore diameter 过滤纸和纸板最大孔径的测定
Swiss andreae oversp . 瑞士干式油漆过滤纸
Materials used as cigarette papers , filter plug wrap and filter joining paper , including materials having an oriented permeable zone - determination of air permeability iso 2965 : 1997 包括具有定向透气区的材料在内的卷烟纸过滤纸和过
Materials used as cigarette papers , filter plug wrap and filter joining paper , including materials having an oriented permeable zone . determination of air permeability 作卷烟纸用的材料,过滤纸和过滤嘴接缝纸材料,包括定向可透气部分用的材料.透气性的测定