过河: cross a river航道: channel; lane; course; passa ...内河航道: inland waterway channel; navigable inland channel内河航道网: inland waterway network内河航道保险: inland waterway insurance内河航道公报: inland waterway bulletin内河航道通报: inland waterway message通海小河航道: khowr欧洲内河航道代码: cevni european code for inland waterways游览船内河航道: cruiseway航运港口和内河航道司: division for shipping ports and inland waterways内河航道小组委员会: inland waterways sub-committee内陆水道网络内河航道网: inland waterway network西欧内河航道分级标准: west-european inland waterway classification scale过河: ford; river crossing内河航道及港口内船舶辐射噪声的测量: measurement of noise emitted by vessels on inland water ways and harbours圣劳伦斯内河航道发展公司: saint lawrence seaway development corp航道: channel; lane; course; passage; fairway 重要的国际航道 an important international sea-lane; 主航道 the main channel; 航道有浮标表示。 the channel is marked by buoys. 照着航道走! keep to the channel!; 航道标 navigable channel mark; 航道测量 water course survey; 航道测量船 hydrographical survey ship; 航道等级 waterway classification; 航道疏浚 waterway dredging; 航道水深 fairway depth; 航道网 waterway network; 航道信标 airway beacon过河标: crossing mark; crossingmark过河兵: promoted pawn过河的: over-river过河管: river crossing过河去: watching游过河: swim across the river吊船过河索: cableway for anchoring boat