过: cross; pass树: tree蛇: snake; serpent; mole catcher八莫过树蛇: mountain bronze-back过树蛇属: dendrophis喜山过树蛇: himalayan bronze-back树蛇: common tree snake虹树蛇: rainbow tree snake树蛇属: bronze-backs穿过树林: walk through the woods穿过树荫: through the arbor穿过树阴: through the arbor风吹过树林: the wind blew through the forest走过树林: walk past the wood非洲树蛇: boomslang非洲树蛇属: tree-snakes丽腹树蛇: northern tree snake马来树蛇: cohn's bronze-back美丽树蛇: elegant bronze-back南非树蛇: boomslang尾纹树蛇: striped bronze-back喜山树蛇: bronze-back snake印度树蛇: common indian bronze-snake过熟婴儿期: postmature infancy过数: count过熟婴儿: postmature infants