

发音:   用"过急的"造句


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  1. Do n't treat the matter with undue haste .
  2. Such haste is as disastrous in organizations as in the theater .
  3. We do not have statistics on complaints about rapid change of traffic light signals
  4. In this connection , i believe our judgement of our capabilities is not a " left " one , and the goal we have set is not overambitious
  5. Of the total number of complaints lodged by users of pedestrian crossings about the rapid change of traffic light signals in the past three years ; and


        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        极急性的,过急的:    peracute
        急的:    rapid
        之过急:    under such circumstances we should play for safety against making haste
        紧急的,加急的:    urgent
        别操之过急:    let's not jump the gun. *gun
        操之过急:    act with undue haste; act precipitately [impulsively]; advance too quickly; be overhasty; be too eager for success; be too hasty; count one's chickens before they are hatched; go off at half cook [cooked]: 一个指挥员不要因为局部利益操之过急。 a commander mustn't get too anxious for the sake of some partial advantage
        过急发球:    hurrying service
        勿操之过急:    cast never a clout till may is out; first catch your hare then cook him
        性子过急:    be too quick on the trigger
        不急的:    unhurried
        很急的。:    molto presto
        火急的:    dire; precipitant; urgent
        加急的:    urgent
        焦急的:    anxious; fretful; impatient; nervous; roily; vexed
        紧急的:    clamant; crucial; emergency--emmer; emergent; ergin.――urgent; exigent; immediate; imminent; imperative; instant; on a crash basis; pressing; ugt; urgently
        特急的:    imd immediate
        湍急的:    rapid; torrential
        危急的:    critical; imminent
        性急的:    brash; cutty; hasty; hot tempered; hot-tempered; hotheaded; impatient; impetuous; irritable; petulant; quick-tempered; rash
        应急的:    contingent adj; emergence; emergent; lash-up; provisional
        着急的:    vexatious; wrought-up
        不宜操之过急:    you should not act in haste
        闯过急流险滩:    sweep over rapids and shoals jet streamjet flow
        未便操之过急:    it's no good being overhasty


  1. "过极轨道电离层信标卫星"英文
  2. "过极轨道卫星"英文
  3. "过极轨道信标卫星"英文
  4. "过极化"英文
  5. "过及"英文
  6. "过急发球"英文
  7. "过急移植物排斥"英文
  8. "过级考试"英文
  9. "过几天"英文
  10. "过季的"英文


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