过度: excessive; over; undue; ana- ...饮酒: drink中度饮酒者: moderate drinker过度的饮酒: excessive drinking饮酒过度: drink to excessdrink like a fish饮酒过度;酗酒: intemperance饮酒过度的: intemperate切忌饮酒过度: by all means avoid excessive drinking饮酒过度;暴饮;酗酒: insobriety饮酒过度的人: alcoholic(饮酒过度引起的)蒙古胃病: narry因饮酒过度而诱发的疾病: diseases induced by overdrinking饮酒: drink 饮酒不多 be a little drinker; 饮酒过度 drink to excess; drink like a fish; 他说他要请我们饮酒。 he offered to stand us a drink. 他一饮酒就变得兴奋,话也多起来了。 he became animated and talkative after two drinks. 他太好饮酒。 he is too fond of drink低酒度饮料: cereal beverage过度: excessive; over; undue; ana-; hyper- 过度兴奋 be overexcited; 过度敏感 oversensitive; hypersensitive; 过度的睡眠 excess sleep; 饮酒过度 drink to excess; overdrink; 磨损过度 (of a thing) totally worn-out; 过度捕捞 overfishing; 过度采伐 over-exploitation; 过度成熟(现象) postmaturity; 过度发育 overdevelopment; 过度放牧 overgrazing; 过度负荷 over load; 过度感染 superinfection; hyperinfection; 过度紧张 supertension; 过度竞争 over-competition; 过度开发 overexploitaction; 过度砍伐 overcut; 过度疲劳 over fatigue; be overtired; 过度曝光 overexposure; 过度生长 overgrowth; 过度使用 overuse; 过度退火 overannealed; 过度弯曲 overbending; 过度兴奋 overexcitation; 过度学习 overlearning; 过度照射 overexposure; 过度种植 overcrop不饮酒: no false speech胡饮酒: hu yin chiu饮酒的: bibitory; bibulous; potatory饮酒歌: brindisi; drink the drinking song; song usu about the pleasures of drinking to be sung at drinkers' parties饮酒狂: dipsomania饮酒癖: potomania轻度饮食消化不良: mild dietary indigestion〈美〉狂饮酒会: drinking不饮酒的人: no drinking; non-drinker大量饮酒者: heavy drinker