

发音:   用"过境权"造句
  • right of transit
  • transit right
  • 过境:    transit; pass through the te ...
  • :    counterpoise; weight power; ...
  • 复境权:    iu ostliminii(=postliminium); ius postliminii(=postliminium); ius postliminii(=postliminium)
  • 环境权:    environment right; environmental right; recht n.auf umwelt
  • 入境权:    ingress; right to land


  1. If something happens and the asa troops have to pass through the territory ( including territory airs and waters ) of an asco member country to fulfill their tasks in accordance with this treaty , the latter must provide them with a right of urgent passage , not bound by the stipulation in above section


        过境:    transit; pass through the te ...
        :    counterpoise; weight power; ...
        复境权:    iu ostliminii(=postliminium); ius postliminii(=postliminium); ius postliminii(=postliminium)
        环境权:    environment right; environmental right; recht n.auf umwelt
        入境权:    ingress; right to land
        过境:    transit; pass through the territory of a country; be in transit◇过境报关单 transit declaration; 过境车辆 transit vehicle; 过境单据 transit document; 过境国 transit country; 过境货物 transit cargo; transit [floating] goods; 过境交通 through trip; 过境路线 transit route; through route; 过境旅客 temporary visitor; transit passenger; 过境贸易 transit trade; 过境签证 transit visa; 过境权 right of passage; 过境税 transit duty; 过境运价 transborder rate; 过境专用道 transit lane
        环境权利:    environmental rights
        入境权签注:    right to land endorsement
        过境处:    place where one crosses from one country to another
        过境点:    border crossing points
        过境费:    droits de transit; transit rate
        过境国:    state of tra it; state of transit; stateoftra it; tra it state; tra itstate; transit state
        过境货:    for prompt shipment; through cargo
        过境口:    crossing points
        过境路:    transit railway
        过境鸟:    transient visitant
        过境桥:    boundary bridge
        过境区:    transit zone
        过境室:    transit lounge
        过境税:    transit dues; transit duties; transit duty; transit tax; transit tolls; transit-dues
        过境站:    border crossing point; crossing point
        环境权利与义务宪章:    charter on environment rights and obligations
        锋面过境:    frontal passage
        共同体过境:    community transit
        管制过境点:    controlled crossing point


  1. "过境签证"英文
  2. "过境抢劫"英文
  3. "过境桥"英文
  4. "过境区"英文
  5. "过境区域"英文
  6. "过境商品运价"英文
  7. "过境设施"英文
  8. "过境时期"英文
  9. "过境室"英文
  10. "过境手续"英文


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