

发音:   用"过去经验"造句


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  1. What we have to offer is a digest of past experience .
  2. Demonstrated past experience
  3. Developed intuition and a global perspective through international experiences
  4. Children ' s early knowledge about links between prior experience and the emotion of other persons
  5. What we need to do is to try to flesh out the system on the basis of experience gained


        经验:    experience
        已证明的过去经验:    demonstrated past experience
        过去经常:    used to ( v-to )
        过去经常;以前常常:    used to
        就过去经历提供意见:    giving opinions about past experiences
        经验与过去,213:    and past
        就过去经历和往事交换信息:    exchanging information about past experiences and events
        我过去经历了这麽多, 我受够了:    after what i've been through i had had enough
        过去:    过去in [of] the past; formerly; previously 过去的岁月 bygone days; former days; the past; 过去的事就让它过去吧。 let bygones be bygones. 我们无法改变过去。 we cannot change the past. 他比过去胖多了。 he's much fatter than he used to be. 现在和过去不同了。 now it is different from the past.; 过去存在 thenness; 过去分词 past participle; 过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense; 过去将来时 past future tense; 过去将来完成时 past future perfect tense; 过去进行时 past continuous tense; 过去时 past tense; 过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous tense; 过去完成时 past perfect tense
        过去in:    the past
        无法从过去学习经验的人,注定要重蹈覆辙:    those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it
        经验:    1.(由实践得来的知识或技能) experience 经验不足 lack experience; not be sufficiently experienced; 经验丰富 have rich experience; be very experienced; well experienced; 经验之谈 remark made by one who has had experience; the wise remark of an experienced person; 间接经验 indirect experience; 交流经验 exchange experience; 介绍经验 pass on one's experience; 直接经验 direct experience; 总结经验 sum up experience; 积累经验 accumulate experience; 扩大经验 widen one's experience; 20年的航海经验 twenty years' sea-going experience; 工作经验 work experience; 她是一个有经验的主妇。 she was a housewife of experience. 经验为智慧之母。 experience is the mother of wisdom. 谁也不能忽视人类所积累的经验。 none can afford to neglect the accumulated experience of man.2.(经历) go through; experience; 经验教训 lessons from one's experience; experience and lessons; 经验主义 empiricism; 经验主义者 empiricist
        过去的;过去;经过:    past
        经验经验值:    empirical value
        半过去:    imperfect
        传过去:    pass on
        闯过去:    rub
        渡过去:    put over
        飞过去:    ride
        跟过去:    he will follow us
        刮过去:    blow1
        过去, 往时:    past
        过去go:    overpass by
        过去,消失:    pass away
        过去,消逝:    elapse


  1. "过去进行"英文
  2. "过去进行时"英文
  3. "过去进行时态"英文
  4. "过去经常"英文
  5. "过去经常;以前常常"英文
  6. "过去抗性"英文
  7. "过去了"英文
  8. "过去了的"英文
  9. "过去六年和美国人的交往中"英文
  10. "过去你常和朋友钓鱼吗"英文


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