According to the status quo accredited point of view , concerning the man ' s actus reus and mens rea , his conduct is neither justifiable homicide , nor unpremeditated manslaughter ( negligence or imprudence ) , nor mayhem , nor tort , but indirect intentional homicide 根据目前的通说,考虑到该男子的犯罪客观方面和犯罪主观方面,他的行为既不是特别防卫,也不是过失致人死亡(包括疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失) ,也不是故意伤害,更不是民事侵权行为,而是间接故意杀人。
Subjective aspect , argumentum the traffic cause trouble abearance is human two kind negligence circumstance scilicet the negligence of the fault the gist and overconfident negligence , versus judge the human foresight in abearance ability , criminal negligence the inside how the human diligentia in abearance onus problem adduced own notion , combining versus the abroad of mutually in reliance on " the axiom proceeded the rating . in the objective aspects , argumentum three components of the traffic cause trouble sin and the scope of the atmospher e terms of the road accident occurrence . in the aspect of object , point out the traffic cause trouble the object of the sin is a transportation safety 主观方面,论证了交通肇事行为人主观上的两种过失情形即疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失,对怎样判断行为人的预见能力、过失犯罪中行为人的注意义务问题进行了探讨,并对国外的“相互信赖”原则进行了评价。客观方面,论述了交通肇事罪客观上的四个构成要件和交通事故发生的范围问题。在客体方面,指出了交通肇事罪侵犯的客体是交通运输安全。
Abstract : the offence of infringing trade secret means the ac t of falsely obtaining , leaking out , using or permitting the other to use the righter ' s trade secret an d having resulted in heavy and great losses to the righter . its subject is mixed subject , containing both certain special subject and certain general subject . its mens rea may be both guilty intention , containing both direct intention and indi r ect intention , and guilty fault , containing both negligent fault and reckless fau l t . on the objective aspect its establishment is not necessarily signed by the “ h aving resulted in heavy and great losses to the righter ” . its direct object is t he righter ' s right to his trade secret , containing the righter ' s special ownin g right or using right and the right of keeping the secret to the trade secret 文摘:侵犯商业秘密罪是指非法获取、披露、使用或者允许他人使用权利人的商业秘密,给权利人造成重大损失的行为;其主体是混合主体,既包括一定的特殊主体,又包括一定的一般主体;其主观方面既可以是故意,包括直接故意和间接故意,又可以是过失,包括疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失;其在客观方面并不必然以“给权利人造成重大损失”为成立犯罪的标志;其直接客体是权利人对商业秘密的权利,包括对商业秘密的所有权或使用权以及保密权。
过于自信: take sth. too much for grant ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...过失: fault; slip; error; miscondu ...过于自信的: overconfident; overweening自给自足的, 过于自信的, 傲慢的: self-sufficing过于自信: over self confidence; over?self?confidence; overconfidence; over??self??confidence使人自负或过于自信: make one conceited or too confident自信的: assertative; assertive; perky; self-assurance; self-confident确信的,自信的: confident in; confident of自信的,确信的: confident过于自负的: peacockish确信的,有自信的: confident不自信的: diffident过分自信的: assertive; cocksure极度自信的: highly confident; highly-confident没有自信的: self-distrustful; unsure缺乏自信的: bra y; diffident; unassured太过自信的: cocky无自信的: diffident有自信的: self-assured; self-confident; sure自信的价值: value of selfconfidencee自信的戒指: ring of confidence抽象的过失: culpa in abstraco具体的过失: culpa in concreto人的过失: human negligence