迁徙: metaptosis; move; migrate; c ...移: move; remove; shift染: dye迁徙性;移染性: migration ability迁徙效果;移染效果: migration effect移染指数;迁徙指数: migration index迁徙抑制剂;移染抑制剂: migration inhibitor迁徙: metaptosis; move; migrate; change one's residence 有些鸟随季节迁徙。 some birds migrate as season changes.; 迁徙动物 migrant; 迁徙种类 planetous移染性试验: migration test泳移染料: migrating dye大迁徙: great trek; march of millions; the great migration迁居,迁徙: change residence迁徙,迁移: migration迁徙带: zone of migration迁徙的: migratory迁徙蝗: migration grasshopper; migrationgrasshopper迁徙率: migration rate迁徙者: ss&a boomers不迁徙的: resident大群迁徙: mass migratory定期迁徙: migration反常迁徙: abmigration河流迁徙: migration of river候鸟迁徙期: time of migration季节性迁徙: seasonal migration