And amanda armstrong ' s down the other end .阿曼达阿姆斯特朗的房间在过道底
Our nurse , has been distributing contraception to wellesley girls .阿曼达阿姆斯特朗,在派发避孕套给学校女生
Well we can all use a little support . - oh like amanda armstrong -我们都可以使用些帮助-哦,比如阿曼达阿姆斯特朗
On the wedding ceremony of anduo zang nationality , people cast sanlongda , a kind of paper with blessing drawings on it , towards the new couple 安多藏民草原婚礼,人们向新娘新郎撒散达阿霸州草原上的安多藏族的婚礼则是另外一种情景。
Every october , several hundred hot - air balloons fly through the air in the kodak albuquerque international balloon fiesta . more than a million people come to watch the event 每年十月的柯达阿布奎达国际气球节,天空都会飞过几百个热气球,而前来观看这场盛事的人则超过一百万人。