Restricted edge connectivity of binary undirected kautz graphs 图的限制性边连通度
On restricted edge - connectivity of vertex - transitive graphs 点可迁图的限制边连通度
The classical measure of the reliability is the connectivity and the edge connectivity 衡量网络可靠性的经典参数为图的连通度和边连通度。
In the last chapter , we use the results of higher order edge connectivity to study the tree decomposition of transitive graphs , deriving a sufficient condition for a graph to have tree number equivalent to the arboricity 在最后一章中,我们使用高阶边连通度的结果研究对称图中树分解的一个问题,给出了森林数等于树数的一个充分条件。
Then , because the connectivity , super connectedness , restricted connectivity and restricted - connectivity of a graph are important parameters to measure fault - tolerance of an interconnection network , they are of very important significance in design and analysis of fault - tolerant interconnection network in reality 图的连通度,超连通度,限制连通度以及限制边连通度是用来测量互连网容错性的重要参数。在实际容错网络设计和分析中有重要意义。