



        边境:    border; frontier
        铁丝网:    wire netting; wire meshes; w ...
        围栏:    impalement; rail; grate; enc ...
        铁丝网围栏:    woven wire fence
        铁网围栏;铁丝网围栏;铁丝网:    chain link fence
        边境:    border; frontier 封锁边境 close the frontiers; seal off the borders; 开放边境 open the borders or frontiers; 边境安宁 security of the border; 边境冲突 border clash; clash conflict; 边境地区 backcountry; border; 边境兑换 exchange of the frontier; 边境检查站 border check point; frontier inspection station; 边境交货 delivered at the frontier; 边境居民出入境通行证 boundary resident's entry [exit] certificate; 边境贸易 frontier trade; border trade; 边境市镇 border town; 边境事件 border incidents
        边境, 边界:    territorial boundaries
        边境,边界:    frontier
        边境,国境:    border
        边境,界线:    bdy boundary
        边境报:    el fronterizo; fronterizo el; simanta patrika
        边境的:    marginal
        边境梗:    border terrier
        边境狗:    border terrier
        边境界:    bourne
        边境上:    na rubezhe
        边境税:    border tax
        边境司:    frontiersdivision
        边境站:    frontier station
        边境证:    border crossing card
        边境绠:    border terrier
        边境獒:    border terrier
        铁丝网:    abatis; abattis; barbed fence; barbed wire; cattle-guard; chain link mesh; chicken wire; chicken-wire; entaglement; fireguard; iron gauze; iron wire mesh; wire entanglements; wire fabric; wire fence; wire gauze; wire netting/metal mesh; wire screen; wire-fence; wire-mesh; wiree gauze; woven wire
        粗铁丝围栏:    hog wire
        铁丝围栏:    wire fence


  1. "边境水域"英文
  2. "边境税"英文
  3. "边境税的调整"英文
  4. "边境司"英文
  5. "边境搜索"英文
  6. "边境通道"英文
  7. "边境通信联络"英文
  8. "边境外币兑换"英文
  9. "边境王子"英文
  10. "边境王子 月桂树的王子们"英文


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