With sinclair lewis, it became simply burning satire . 辛克莱刘易斯把它写成了辛辣的讽刺作品。
This has not prevented soviet readers from coupling him with upton sinclair as america's greatest novelists . 苏联读者仍然称他和辛克莱是美国最伟大的小说家。
Homely, unathletic, shy, sinclair was practically without friends during his high school years . 辛克莱相貌丑陋,不爱运动,又胆怯怕羞,所以他在中学上学时简直没有朋友。
Thomas had overheard older men in the club saying that young sinclair was brilliant lawyer and would go far . 托马斯常常听见俱乐部的老人说,小辛克莱是个有才智的律师,前程远大。
As sinclair later lamented, the jungle appealed to the stomachs rather than the hearts of the american people . 正如辛克莱后来哀叹:《屠场》与其说是诉诸美国人民的心灵,不如说是诉诸他们的胃口。