输出: export为: support; stand for先: earlier; before; first; in a ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...对开: run from opposite directions ...信用证: letter of credit进口为先的对开信用证: back to back credit import first输入为先的对开信用证: back to back credit import first; back to back credti import first输出为先对开信用证: back to back export first输出方先开的对开信用证: back-to-back credit export first输出 为先 的 对开 信用证: back to back credit export first; export first输入为先对开信用证: back to back import first对开信用证: back to back credit; back to back l-c; back to back letter of credit; back-to-back credit; back-to-back letter of credit; bank to bank l/c; counter credit; counter l/c; reciprocal credit; reciprocal letter of credit输入方先开的对开信用证: back-to-back credit import first对开信用证(双方): reciprocal credit对开信用证书: back to back credit对开信用证书, 转开信用证书: back to back credit输入 为先 的 对开 信用证: back to back credit import first; import first对开信用证易货: reciprocal barter背对背信用证, 对开信用证: back-to-back letter of credit对开信用证, 互惠信用证: reciprocal letter of credit对开信用证,背对背信用证: back-to-back letter of credit对开信用: reciprocal credit催开信用证: urging establishment of l/c电开信用证: cable credit; to cable a credit