Study on inverse bremsstrahlung absorption of plasma in a conical keyhole 圆锥形小孔内等离子体的反韧致辐射吸收研究
The difference would be higher when l / h value was lower , and the biggest difference reached to 1 高大建筑物对于减少街区内的太阳辐射吸收量有相当大的作用。
Determination of carbon monoxide content in the ambient outdoor air , by absorption of an infrared radiation 大气污染.红外线辐射吸收法测定周围空气中一氧化碳含量
We should pay attention to the choice of the floor material to lower the impact of solar radiation 同时,采用置换通风与冷却顶板系统的房间,对于地板材料应该选择对长波辐射吸收较低的物质,以减小太阳辐射的影响。
In addition , radiation absorption coefficient had a remarkable effect on maximum combustion temperature and maximum wall heat flux in the new phosphoric acid tower 辐射吸收系数对最高燃烧温度和壁面最大热流影响很大,随辐射吸收系数的增大,最高燃烧温度和烟气出口温度会下降,而壁面最大热流和平均热流会上升。