We have found a solution which does not cross the axis and one which crossed the axis once . 我们已经求得了一个不通过轴线的解以及一个只通过轴线一次的解。
Thus the path of the vehicle mass center must be a circle around the axis, i. e. it must be a minor circle of the earth, lying on a parallel of latitude . 所以飞行器质心的轨迹必须是围绕轴线的一个圆,即它必须是一个平行于纬度线的地球的小圆。
it is usually convenient to replace δs by its components δs1 and δs2 parallel to any two perpendicular axes ox, oy in the plane. 通常用它的分量s1和s2来代替s较为方便,它们分别沿平面内的ox,oy两个正交的轴线的方向。
Characteristic impedance of a rectangle coaxial line with round center conductor 边界元法计算内圆外矩同轴线的特性阻抗
Then the eigenequations were obtained by using the recursive relations among their coefficients 利用电磁场的系数递推关系,进一步推出了此种同轴线的特征方程。