Design of the simulation software for underwater vehicle 水下航行器仿真软件包设计
This part is including research on sensors and components selecting , design of main - controller , peripheral interface and application software . in addition , the control arithmetic is also studied 开发了基于dsp的嵌入式步行足控制器,进行硬件电路及相关软件包设计,并对控制算法进行了研究。
The software adopted this auto - tuning algorithm is rationally designed ; its human machine interface is friendly ; its functionality is versatile ; and its application scope is broad , not only for single - loop control system , but for cascade and feedforward control systems 采用该算法开发的pid参数自整定软件包设计合理、界面良好、易于操作、功能完善、应用范围广,不仅适合于单回路控制系统的整定,而且也适合于串级控制和前馈控制复杂系统的整定。
Using the formula of taylor , the dissertation disperses the mathematics model as the classical form of wave - arithmetic and displays the spread process of heat . according to the principle of object - oriented theory combined with the sample method , the software is divided into three parts : pre - analysis groupware , analysis groupware and after - groupware 在研究系统仿真技术的基础上,以面向对象程序设计方法与原形法相结合的方法,将仿真系统划分为前处理组件、求解器组件和后处理组件,以sun公司的java技术和java3d软件包设计系统的应用程序。