Would it be feasible for civil servants to work shifts under a roster arrangement to provide six or seven days of service to the public 公务员可否每周五天工作,但采取轮班制度,向市民提供六天或七天的服务?
轮班: be on duty by turns; turn; s ...制度: system; institution轮班制度;轮班工作: shift system轮班制: rotating shift system都市轮班制: metropolitan shift system快速轮班制: rapidly rotating shift system两班轮班制: double shift职工轮班制: rotation of staff职工的轮班制: rotation of staff二十四小时轮班制: twenty four hours shift十二小时轮班制: twelve hours shift交接班制度: ps) shift relief system; regulations for shifting of duty值班制度: standby system; watch system三班制的执勤制度: three-platoon organization职能式领班制度: functional foremanship轮班: be on duty by turns; turn; shift◇轮班制 the system of working in shifts轮班;换班: shift; work shift轮流,轮班: by turns二班制: two-shift换班制: relay system; shifts两班制: double dayshift; double shift; two-platoon plan; two-platoon system三班制: three-shift system; three-shift work day system; three-watch system双班制: double shift; two shifting; watch and watch值班制: watch system轮班工作;轮班当值: shift duty