Giant video screens may be installed to relay the ceremonies 大型的电视屏幕将设置并以轮流地来进行仪式的转播。
Polling whereby the controller sends a message to each terminal to find out whether the terminal has anything to communicate 借助于控制器轮流地对每个终端发送一个信息,以探询该终端是否有通信内容。
Multi vitamin / mineral is in powder form , to allow it to be easily mixed in with the food . this product can be used alternately with solid gold seameal , if desired 一种完美无缺和平衡的天然供给品,如需要可以和素力高海草矿物素轮流地使用
But when they saw the sinister smile on zhao gao ' s face and his two rolling eyes which were gazing at each of them , they suddenly understood his evil intentions 当看到赵高脸上露出阴险的笑容,两只眼睛骨碌碌轮流地盯着每个人的时候,大臣们忽然明白了他的用意。
The performance was much like all acrobatic displays ; but it must be confessed that the japanese are the first equilibrists in the world . one , with a fan and some bits of paper , performed the graceful trick of the butterflies and the flowers ; another traced in the air , with the odorous smoke of his pipe , a series of blue words , which composed a compliment to the audience ; while a third juggled with some lighted candles , which he extinguished successively as they passed his lips , and relit again without interrupting for an instant his juggling 有一个演员手里拿着一把扇子和一些碎纸片,演出了非常美妙动人的“群蝶花间舞”另一个演员用他那从烟斗里喷出来的一缕芬芳的烟雾,在空中迅速地写出许多青烟文字,这些字构成一句向观众致敬的颂词又有一个耍抛物戏的演员,他一面把几支点着的蜡烛轮流地从手里抛起,一面把每一支从嘴前面经过的蜡烛吹熄,然后再陆续地把它们点着,同时却一秒钟也不中止他那神奇的抛掷动作。
轮流: take turns; do sth. in turn; ...地: the earth轮流地,交替地: by turns依次地, 轮流地: turn and turn about依次地,轮流地;转而,反过来: in turn轮流: take turns; do sth. in turn; rotation; by spells 轮流值日 be on duty in turn; 医生们轮流参加巡回医疗队。 the doctors take turns at participating in the mobile medical team.; 轮流放牧 rotational grazing; 轮流休闲 alternate cultivation and fallow风流地: tastefully急流地: rushingly; torrentially交流地: alternately逆流地: counter current wise漂流地: adrift; driftingly顺流地: downstream下流地: barbarously; dowdily; foully; ignobly; indelicately; ribaldly; scurrilously; scurvily; swinishly; ungracefully泄流地: grounding for current discharge河流地貌;河流地形: fluvial landform; fluviallandform轮流, 交替: by turns轮流, 依次: take turns轮流,轮班: by turns轮流,反转: invert轮流,轮换: take turns轮流;替换: take turns轮流的: alternate: changing by turns; alternating; rotational轮流干……: take turns to do轮流做: alternate play; take away turns使轮流: rotate