As a special kind of tort liability , the special assuming ways , excuses of exemption and extinctive prescription of the vicarious liability of employers are also analyzed in this discourse 作为一种特殊侵权责任,雇主转承责任有其特殊的承担方式、免责事由和诉讼时效,本文也对其进行了分析。
Consulting the foreign experience of legislation , it has been a legislative trend to establish the system of vicarious liability of employers . this discourse , attempts to deepen the discussion through the comprehensive analysis on foreign legislative examples and thoughts about systems of vicarious liability of employers , as well as the combination of our county " s present legislative and judicial situations 借鉴国外的立法经验,建立完备的雇主转承责任制度已是立法所趋,本文试图通过对国外雇主转承责任制度的立法体例及法律思想进行综合分析,并结合我国立法和司法实践的现状,对如何构建我国的雇主责任制度作一详细探讨。
Firstly , this discourse defines the concept of vicarious liability of employers ; clarifies the characteristics of this system by comparison with other systems and describes the theoretical basis in stress . secondly , this discourse brings forward that , the principle adjusting the vicarious liability of employers shall a combination of doctrine of tort liability under the standard liability " s direction and doctrine of no - fault liability 其次,运用比较分析的方法,在对不同立法类型和学说分析和评价的基础上,提出雇主转承责任的归责原则应为本位责任指导下的过错责任和无过错责任相结合的原则,雇主转承责任构成必须具备的四个要件,并详细阐述了四个要件的判断标准。