车: chariot,one of the pieces in ...瘪: shrivelled; shrunken车顶: fastback; sunroof; wagon top车顶层: bus-top车顶夹: top clamp; top fastener车顶架: top holder车顶梁: body roof stick车顶条: top strap高车顶: highroof篷车顶: cape top软车顶: soft top车顶弓梁,车顶弧梁,车顶助梁: dachbogen m直背式(车顶),溜背式(车顶): fast back把汽车顶起: jack a car车顶板飞花: top board waste车顶侧梁: roof cant rail车顶侧柱: topside arm车顶端横梁: roof end rail车顶格架: lattice of roof车顶隔音垫: daempfung,dach车顶横梁: roof cross beam车顶木梁: timber carline车顶内衬: i ide roof lining; inside roof lining车顶上运送: cartop车顶饰条: roof moudling