

  • coupler contour
  • 车钩:    coupler; coupling; car body ...
  • 轮廓:    outline; line; lineament; co ...
  • 车钩:    coupler; coupling; car body coupler; coupling gear; draw gear; jink; shackle bar; car coupler; hitching; drawgear; snapper; draft gear
  • 机车车辆自动车钩连接轮廓:    coupler connection contour for locomotives and cars
  • 轮廓:    outline; line; lineament; contour profile; rough sketch 脸的轮廓 the contour of a face; 山峦的轮廓 profile of the mountains; 先画个轮廓 , 再画细部。draw an outline before you fill in the details. 夜幕降临了, 但厂房还能看见个轮廓。 night fell, but the outline of the factory buildings was still discernible.; the factory buildings were silhouetted against the growing darkness.; 轮廓不清晰度 turbidity (相片); 轮廓清晰 clear-cut; 轮廓图 profilogram; scheme; keydrawing; schematogram; contour records; outline sketch


        车钩:    coupler; coupling; car body ...
        轮廓:    outline; line; lineament; co ...
        车钩:    coupler; coupling; car body coupler; coupling gear; draw gear; jink; shackle bar; car coupler; hitching; drawgear; snapper; draft gear
        机车车辆自动车钩连接轮廓:    coupler connection contour for locomotives and cars
        轮廓:    outline; line; lineament; contour profile; rough sketch 脸的轮廓 the contour of a face; 山峦的轮廓 profile of the mountains; 先画个轮廓 , 再画细部。draw an outline before you fill in the details. 夜幕降临了, 但厂房还能看见个轮廓。 night fell, but the outline of the factory buildings was still discernible.; the factory buildings were silhouetted against the growing darkness.; 轮廓不清晰度 turbidity (相片); 轮廓清晰 clear-cut; 轮廓图 profilogram; scheme; keydrawing; schematogram; contour records; outline sketch
        车钩柄:    coupler shank
        车钩头:    coupler head
        车钩闸:    coupler pocket
        车钩座:    coupler seat
        车钩轭:    coupler yoke
        滑车钩:    tackle hook
        拖车钩:    car puller hook
        车钩关节:    coupler knuckle
        车钩关节销:    coupling knuckle pin
        车钩环舌:    coupling buckle
        车钩间隙:    coupler slack
        车钩接笱:    coupling nipple
        车钩拉杆:    coupler draw bar
        车钩连接线:    coupling line
        车钩枢销:    coupler pivot pin
        车钩提杆:    coupling lever; uncoupling rod
        车钩提杆吊:    uncoupling lever hanger
        车钩提杆链:    uncoupling chain
        车钩提杆座:    uncoupling lever bracket
        车钩跳线:    coupler jumper


  1. "车钩间隙"英文
  2. "车钩接笱"英文
  3. "车钩开锁位置"英文
  4. "车钩拉杆"英文
  5. "车钩连接线"英文
  6. "车钩牵引簧托"英文
  7. "车钩全开位置"英文
  8. "车钩三态作用"英文
  9. "车钩枢销"英文
  10. "车钩提杆"英文


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