In teneriffa , the fuel was really much more cheaper than austria 和奥地利的车油价相比,特纳里夫的价格实在是太便宜了。
The input is used oil of car that is engin ' s oil and the output should be base oil with the final color of 2 without adding of any chemicals or acid 本设备可输入是是使用过的废车油,输出可使用油,最终颜色不需要增加化学制品。
Guangzhou yog automobile parts company has a great business of motorcycle spare parts and oil seals . our “ yog ” brand is selled as a world famous brand all over the world 我们专业生产摩托车配件,摩托车、汽车全车油封,公司摩托车配件和油封知名品牌“ yog “已在中国大陆及东南亚国家都设有经销处。