- bodily communication
- 身体: body
- 交往: association; contact; associ ...
- 能使衣服不和身体网格物体交叉的插件: push.zip
- 在夜幕来临前,你把身体交给我: *you show me your body before night comes down
- 身体: 1.(人体) body 矮胖结实的身体 a tubby, solid body; 身体上的伤害 infliction of body; 保持身体平衡 keep one's balance; 小孩睡羽绒床身体会变弱。 a feather bed enervates the body of a child. 我们穿衣, 使身体保持温暖。 we wear clothes to keep our bodies warm. 他一向身体很健康。 he has always had good health.2.(健康) health 注意身体 look after one's health; 身体好, 学习好, 工作好 keep fit, study well and work hard; 身体健全 physical fitness; 身体劳损 physical strain; 身体疲劳 physical fatigue; 身体器官 machine; 身体缺陷 impediment; 身体素质 physical quality; 身体损伤 somatic damage; 身体钟 body clock