

  • dropkick


        :    kick
        落地:    fall to the ground
        :    sphere; globe
        踢落地球射中:    drop goal
        落地球:    ground ball
        打落地球:    ground stroke
        击落地球:    groundstroke
        落地:    1.(落在地上) fall to the ground 人头落地 be killed or beheaded2.(婴儿出生) be born 呱呱落地 come into the world with a cry; be born; 落地磅称 pit scale; 落地车床 face lathe; face-plate lathe; floor type lathe; pit lathe; surfacing lathe; 落地称 loadometer; 落地窗 french window; 落地大钟 tall case clock; 落地大座钟 grandfather clock; 落地灯 floorlamp; standard lamp; 落地电扇 electric fan with adjustable stand; 落地柜 [工业] console; 落地台灯 [法国] torchère; floor lamp; 落地线 [力学] line of fall; 落地雨 throughfall; 落地装载车 ground- level loader
        地球:    the earth; the globe◇地球扁率 compression [flattening] of the earth; 地球扁球体 earth spheroid; 地球变化磁场 variable magnetic field of the earth; 地球表面 earth surface; 地球波导 terrestrial waveguide; 地球测绘电子学 geometronics; 地球长半径 earth major radius; 地球成因学 geogony; 地球磁极 earth magnetic pole; geomagnetic pole; magnetic poles; 地球大气 earth atmosphere; 地球电导率 earth's electric conductivity; 地球短半径 earth minor radius; 地球飞船 earth spaceship; 地球公转 revolution of the earth; 地球轨道 [天文学] earth's orbit; 地球基本磁场 fundamental magnetic field of the earth; 地球结构 earth's structure; 地球科学 earth science; geoscience; 地球科学家 geoscientist; 地球空间 terrestrial space; geospace; 地球力学 geomechanics; 地球密度 earth density; 地球模型 earth model; terella; terrella; 地球末日 geocide; 地球内部 earth interior; 地球内部磁场 internal geomagnetic field; 地球内核 earth inner core; 地球起源 origin of the earth; 地球清洁日 earth day; 地球清洁周 earth week; 地球曲率 earth curvature; 地球人 terran; 地球日 earth day; 地球同步轨道 earth-synchronous orbit; 地球同步通讯卫星 geostatic telecommunications satellite; 地球同步卫星 geostationary satellite; synchronous satellite; geopause; 地球椭圆体 earth ellipsoid; 地球纬度 terrestrial latitude; 地球卫星 earth satellite; 地球物理场 geophysical field; 地球物理学 geophysics; 地球学 geonomy; earth science; 地球引力 gravity; gravitational attraction; 地球有效半径 effective earth's radius; 地球中心说 geocentricism; 地球自由振荡 earth free oscillation; 地球自转 earth rotation
        降落地:    jump area
        俐落地:    cleanly
        落地, 失败:    fall to the ground
        落地(降落):    landing
        落地磅:    loadometer
        落地称:    loadometer
        落地秤:    loadometer
        落地窗:    french casement; french sash; french windowe
        落地灯:    floor lamp/light; floor lamp/standard lamp; floor lamps; floor light; french windows; stand light; stehlampe, die;-n
        落地费:    ldc landing charge
        落地鼓:    floor tom
        落地柜:    console
        落地架:    floor stand
        落地坑:    landing pit
        落地区:    landing area
        落地扇:    console fan; floor fan


  1. "踢进一球"英文
  2. "踢进一球,得一分"英文
  3. "踢开"英文
  4. "踢开绊脚石"英文
  5. "踢凌空球"英文
  6. "踢落地球射中"英文
  7. "踢马刺"英文
  8. "踢马剌"英文
  9. "踢门"英文
  10. "踢面"英文


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