A small core of dedicated supporters ; the core of the problem 死心踏地拥护者中的小核心;问题的关键
What is the happiness ? happiness is the feeling of home , someone who will wait you with full heart 幸福是什么?幸福就是一种家的感觉,是有人死心踏地的等你回来!
I came to believe that love belonged only to those who glided , who never shimmied up trees or even really touched the ground 我继而觉得,爱只属于那些舞步优雅从不爬树甚至或是从不重步踏地的女孩子。
1km to the west lake , 0km to downtown , 40km ( 30 - min - drive ) to airport , 10km ( 15 - min - drive ) to exhibition center , 3km ( 5 - min - drive ) to railway station , close to the food street and walking street 距离西湖步行10分钟;距市中心0公里,车程0分钟距飞机场40公里,车程30分钟;距展览中心10公里,车程15分距火车站2公里,车程5分钟出门就是美食街,步行街,小吃一条街,是你游玩的最佳下踏地。
Yes , there are a myriad of even unconscious concepts of what your role or place might be " in the world , " and a devotion to all of your definitions of others ? how you see them and what you perceive their needs to be ? and the way in which you interpret and define what you hear them saying 没错,有许许多多的观念(甚至包括潜意识中的)在帮你界定你在这个世界的角色或定位,你死心踏地地相信你对他人的界定(你怎么看待他人、你认为他们需要什么) 、想尽办法解读与界定他们话中的语意。
踏: step on; stamp on; tread地: the earth拍踏拍踏地响: patter用脚敲踏地板作鼓声: to drum the floor with one's feet踏点步八侧行位: stetato p.p踏凳试验: bench stepping踏动踏板: treadle踏凳: foot stool; step-stool踏垛坡: banquette slope踏蹬: treadmill踏跺: firing step◇踏跺坡 banquette slope踏到场外: step off the side of strip踏跺坡: banquette slope踏单车: biking