爱情跷跷板: legaturi bolnavicioase男女跷跷板: kare kano玩跷跷板: play at seesaw; to teeter-totter跷跷板游戏: seesaw跷跷板作用: seesaw action跷跷板式旋翼: see-saw rotor; teetering rotor跷跷板放大电路: see-saw circuit【无线电】跷跷板放大电路。: seesaw circuit跷板: seesaw 玩跷板 play at seesaw玩跷板: play at seesaw跷板型: see-saw shape跷板开关: rocker switch跷蝽科: berytidae跷钹贝司: bass&cymbal跷足以待: curl up one's leg and wait at ease跷足: stilt proleg跷跣板放大电路: seesaw circuit跷着腿坐着: sit with one's legs crossed on tiptoe