跳: jump; leap; skip; bounce进: advance; move forward; move ...把狮子关进笼子: cage a lion随意把我装进笼子里: like some others have跳进: jump into; plunge笼子: 笼子cage; coop; basket; container笼子a: large box or chesttrunk跳进;投入: plunge into跳进的: plunging跳进河: juminto the river投入,跳进: plunge放进笼里: mew跳进的人: plunger跳进火山: hot-foot-it into the volcano跳进水里: take the water捕蟹笼子: crab-pot飞出笼子: fly out of the cage进气笼子: discharge grate老虎笼子: the tiger cage笼子模型: cell model铁笼子属: helleborus跳进来的新娘: perfect specimen关夜莺的笼子: a cage of nightingales住在小笼子里: live in small cages【军事】跳进战术,跳岛战术。: frog hopping tactics