Dor more than 10 years , chi , a journalist has the same nightmare every night . one day , on her way to an interview mission , a man jumps out of a buildi . . 一天她与同事琪谷祖琳饰于采访途中,碰上一名男子跳楼身亡,然而芝独自在深夜加班
For more than 10 years , chi , a journalist has the same nightmare every night . one day , on her way to an interview mission , a man jumps out of a buildi . . 一天她与同事琪谷祖琳饰于采访途中,碰上一名男子跳楼身亡,然而芝独自在深夜加班
For more than 10 years , chi , a journalist has the same nightmare every night . one day , on her way to an interview mission , a man jumps out of a building and kills himself . when chi works overtime all by herself in the office one night , she encounters the man who has committed suicide . . 一天她与同事琪谷祖琳饰于采访途中,碰上一名男子跳楼身亡,然而芝独自在深夜加班时,竟于办公室内碰上了他,幸得上司兼男友阿祖梁汉文饰从旁保护。
Dor more than 10 years , chi , a journalist has the same nightmare every night . one day , on her way to an interview mission , a man jumps out of a building and kills himself . when chi works overtime all by herself in the office one night , she encounters the man who has committed suicide . . 一天她与同事琪谷祖琳饰于采访途中,碰上一名男子跳楼身亡,然而芝独自在深夜加班时,竟于办公室内碰上了他,幸得上司兼男友阿祖梁汉文饰从旁保护。
It has been reported that not long ago an ex - mental patient , who relapsed due to a divorce , died after having jumped from lei chak house of ap lei chau estate , carrying his six - year - old son with him . the incident causes extensive concern in the social work sector regarding family services , as well as treatment and rehabilitation services provided for mental patients 据报,一名精神病康复者因受离婚打击以致精神病复发,早前抱六岁的儿子从鸭?洲?利泽楼跳楼身亡,事件引起社工界对家庭服务及精神病人的医疗和康复服务的广泛关注。
跳: jump; leap; skip; bounce楼: a storied building跳楼: nanaya; wlen跳楼货: [贸易] distress merchandise跳楼机: drop zone; tower of terror肠断跳楼人: the desperate man's jump to death超级跳楼机: mega drop企图跳楼: attempt to jump from a height跳楼大甩卖: clean sales/ final sales跳楼价甩卖: sale at breakdown price; sale continues in store暴病身亡: die from a sudden illness; death from a sudden illness车祸身亡者: road accident victims断气身亡: with a last gasp of breath (he) gave up the ghost气绝身亡: there was no breath in one's nose.; a person dies as soon as he ceases to breathe.; breathe out one's life; breathe out the feeble remnant of one's life breath; one's breathing has ceased.; slip one's wind伤重身亡: die of a mortal wound物故身亡: pass away一病身亡: die of serious illness; fall ill and die以致身亡: resulted in death achieve意外身亡者: accidental deaths饮弹身亡: be killed by a bullet遇刺身亡者: assassinated people在职身亡: died at one's post人却难料何时身亡: no man knows when he shall die although he knows he must die他久病不治身亡: he died after a long disease; he died after a long illness亏本出售的商品跳楼货: distressmerchandise