跳板: drawboard; access board; gan ...在: exist; be living码头: wharf; dock; hoverport; pier ...一端: one respect; one aspect of t ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...转向架: bogie; bogey; bogy; truck在码头: at pier(wharf)不带均衡梁的转向架: nonequalizedtruck靠在码头: wharf在码头交货: at wharf在码头装箱: cacontainerized at pier转向架: bogie; bogey; bogy (pl. bogies; bogeys); truck◇转向架装置 bogie device码头一侧: dockside在船坞里, 在码头: in dock在码头的摊牌: showdown at the docks码头跳板: shoregangway操舵转向架: steering bogey; steering bogie车辆转向架: bogie of car; car truck单轴转向架: single axle bogie; single-axle bogie动力转向架: power truck多轴转向架: multi-axle truck拱杆转向架: arch bar truck轨道转向架: railway bogie滚柱转向架: roller truck后轴转向架: rear axle bogie