And also about the objective conditions for developing is given to the well consolidation technology with sand - packs in soft foundation treatment area and the consolidation technology with cement - mixed piles in transitional section of road and bridge areas , and the detailed introduction is also given about workmanship for filling works in subgrade body , for filling works in transitional sections of the subgrade , and for construction of base bed of the subgrade . in each part caution items in the construction and the relevant technical issues are summarized 然后着重介绍了秦沈客运专线一般软土地段地基处理袋装砂井加固技术、路桥过渡段水泥搅拌桩加固技术,并对路基本体填筑施工工艺、路基过渡段填筑施工工艺,路基基床施工工艺也进行了详细的介绍,在每一部分中对施工注意事项及有关技术问题进行了总结归纳。