跪: kneel; go down on one's knee ...撑: prop up; support中: hit; fit exactly抓: grab; clutch; get; seize; gr ...握: hold; grasp; take by the han ...远: far; distant; remote侧: slant; sloping臂: arm腿: leg翻: turn over; turn around; reve ...跪撑中远侧臂近体抱摔: far arm and near thigh抓握远侧踝: to a cross-ankle pick拽远侧臂: far-arm pull跪撑抱腰抓握脚踝: waist and fat instep侧臂: side arm跪撑: ground holds; knee rest抓握: catch; grab; grasp; grip; prehension; seize远侧: distalis; distally; far side; off side; proximal side臂腿的: brachiocrural右臂腿摆脱: outside leg up侧臂桥: sidearm bridge共侧臂: opposite arm近侧臂: near arm and far instep内侧臂: pleural arm双侧臂: double sided arm; double-sided arm; double-sidedarm