

  • undershoot
  • 跨越:    stride over; stride across; ...
  • 放炮:    fire a gun
  • 放炮:    1.(打炮) fire a gun2.(车胎爆裂) blowout (of a tyre, etc.) 轮胎放炮了。 the tire's had a blowout.3.(用火药爆破) blasting 危险, 正在放炮! danger! blasting in progress! (攻击)shoot off one's mouth: 不了解情况不要乱放炮。 don't shoot off your mouth if you don't know the facts.; 放炮工 hole man; shotfirer; 放炮警告 [采矿工程] fire; 放炮器 blaster; exploder; 放炮用具 blasting gear
  • 跨越:    stride over (a ditch, etc.); stride across; leap over; cut across 跨越障碍 surmount an obstacle; 纵马跨越栅栏 leap a horse over a hurdle; 跨越赤道传播 transequatorial propagation; 跨越杆 crossing pole; 跨越绝缘子 crossing insulator
  • 信越放送:    shin-etsu broadcasting


        跨越:    stride over; stride across; ...
        放炮:    fire a gun
        放炮:    1.(打炮) fire a gun2.(车胎爆裂) blowout (of a tyre, etc.) 轮胎放炮了。 the tire's had a blowout.3.(用火药爆破) blasting 危险, 正在放炮! danger! blasting in progress! (攻击)shoot off one's mouth: 不了解情况不要乱放炮。 don't shoot off your mouth if you don't know the facts.; 放炮工 hole man; shotfirer; 放炮警告 [采矿工程] fire; 放炮器 blaster; exploder; 放炮用具 blasting gear
        跨越:    stride over (a ditch, etc.); stride across; leap over; cut across 跨越障碍 surmount an obstacle; 纵马跨越栅栏 leap a horse over a hurdle; 跨越赤道传播 transequatorial propagation; 跨越杆 crossing pole; 跨越绝缘子 crossing insulator
        信越放送:    shin-etsu broadcasting
        越来越放肆:    become more and more intemperate
        电放炮:    electric firing
        放炮船:    shooting boat; shooting ship
        放炮工:    blaster; blasting technician; burster; charge man; hole man
        放炮器:    blaster; blasting machine; exploder; firing machine; shot firing apparatus; shot firing battery
        开枪,放炮:    let off
        未放炮:    no shot; ns
        跨越杆:    cro -over pole; cross over pole; cross-over pole
        跨越桥:    overpass bridge
        跨越线:    across-the-line
        跨越值:    spanning value
        侧向放炮:    broadside shooting
        打眼放炮:    drill and blast catch the eyeattract attention
        单船放炮:    single-shishooting
        单向放炮:    unidirectional shooting
        电力放炮机:    electric blasting unit
        端点放炮:    off-end shooting; shooting off end
        反向放炮:    counter-shots
        放炮场地。:    artillery park
        放炮次序:    firing order


  1. "跨越地域分区链路"英文
  2. "跨越地域逻辑单元"英文
  3. "跨越地域资源管理程序"英文
  4. "跨越电压"英文
  5. "跨越藩篱"英文
  6. "跨越分区"英文
  7. "跨越分区链路"英文
  8. "跨越分区链路 交叉子区连接"英文
  9. "跨越分析"英文
  10. "跨越杆"英文


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