跨国: transnational中央银行: central bank制度: system; institution中央银行制度: central banking system复合中央银行制度: compound central bank system准中央银行制度: quasi central bank system德国中央银行: the german central bank法国中央银行: banque de france美国中央银行: bank of the united states泰国中央银行: central bank of thailand英国中央银行: bank of england工业化七国中央银行行长: central bank governors of the grouof seven industrialized nations银行制度: banking system中央银行部: central banking department卡塔赫纳协定缔约国中央银行: bancos centrales de los paises del acuerdo de cartagena美国联邦储备和七大工业国中央银行: gcentral banks比较银行制度: comparative bank system分行银行制度: branch banking system兼营银行制度: mixed banking system全能银行制度: universal banking双轨银行制度: dual banking system跨国转租赁: cross border lease跨国制造公司: manufacturing tncs跨国资本成本的计算: the cost of capital for foreign investments跨国支付系统: target system跨国租赁: transnational leases