- we broke out of the trap and now we
- 跟: heel
- 鬼子: devil
- 捉迷藏: hide-and-seek; blindman's bu ...
- 玩: play; have fun; amuse onesel ...
- 捉迷藏: 1.(一种游戏) hide-and-seek; blindman's buff: “跳圈子嘛, 跟鬼子捉迷藏玩玩!” “we broke out of the trap and now we're playing a game of hide-and-seek with the japs!”2.(说话兜圈子) be tricky and evasive; play hide-and-seek 有话直说, 别跟我捉迷藏。 get straight to the point. don't beat about the bush