Eighty patients with painful heels treated by guci lotion 骨刺洗剂治疗足跟痛80例
Patients with occipital neuralgia icareeration syndrome treated with acupuncture - moxibustion and massage 中药综合治疗跟痛症118例118
Clinical observation of calcanodynia treated by small knife treatment combined by chinese herb fumigation 小针刀配合中药熏洗治疗跟痛症临床观察
Best for people who need to stand or walk prolonged , such as teachers , police , nurses and salesmen . should only be used in shoes with flat heels 适用于足跟痛、小腿拉伤,经常站立或走路的人士,如教师、护士、售货员等;不宜放在鞋跟底为窝形的鞋内,只宜放在鞋跟底为平的鞋内。
跟: heel跟痛症: calcaneal pain; calcaneodynia; calcanodynia足跟痛: calcan odynia; heel pain; pain in heel; pain in the heel; painful heels; painfulheel; talalgia后足跟痛: posterior heel pain跟帖: follow-up跟头: 1.(摔倒) fall 摔跟头 have a fall2.(向下弯曲而翻转) somersault 翻个跟头 turn somersault跟贴目录: list of followups跟头虫: wiggler; wriggler跟贴范文: very usefull跟团活动: mengikuti kegiatan rombongan tur跟贴: follow-umessage; follows and sticks to跟团旅游: package tour跟套式搁脚板: heel loop footrest