趾骨: phalanx底: bottom; base趾骨近端,趾骨底: proximal extremity of phalanx of toe趾骨: phalanx◇趾骨伤 phalangeal fracture荐骨底: basis ossis sacri掌骨底: base of metacarpal bone; basis metacarpalis; basis ossis metacarpalis指骨底: base of phalanx; basis phalangis digitorum manus镫骨底: base of stape; basis stapedis跖骨底: base of metatarsal bone; basis metatarsalis; basis ossis metatarsalis骶骨底: base of sacrum,base of sacral bone; basis ossis sacri短趾骨: brachyphalangia指骨,趾骨: phalanges趾骨toe: bones foot趾骨;指骨: phalanx趾骨癌: ring-bone趾骨垫: anterior heel趾骨瘤: ringbone趾骨伤: phalangealfracture趾骨体: corpus phalangis digitorum pedis; phalangeal shaft; shaft of phalanx of toes趾骨头: caput phalangis digitorum pedis趾骨折: fracture of toe第一掌骨底: base of first metacarpal龙骨底板: shoe龙骨底长: tread龙骨底吃水: keel draft