Arterial supply to the second , third metacarsopha - langeal joints and proximal interphalangeal joints of the toe and its clinical significance 三跖趾关节及近趾间关节血供特点与临床意义
趾: toe间: space in between; opening关节: joint; articulation; articul ...指间关节,趾间关节: interphalangeal joint趾间关节扭伤: sprain of interphalangeal joint of toe趾间关节成形术: arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint趾间关节固定术: interphalangeal arthrodesis of toe趾近端趾间关节: proximal interphalangeal joint of toe趾远端趾间关节囊: distal interphalangeal joint of toe足趾间关节韧带: ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot拇趾趾间关节固定术: arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of great toe足趾间关节闭合性脱位: closed dislocation of interphalangeal joint of foot足趾间关节开放性脱位: open dislocation of interphalangeal joint of foot足趾间关节足底韧带: plantar ligaments of interphalangeal articulations of foot足趾切断术于趾间关节: amputation of toe at interphalangeal joint间关节: digital articulation横突间关节: articulatio intertransversariae软骨间关节: articulationes interchondrales; interchondral joints髓弓间关节: articulatio interneuralis推体间关节: articulatio intercentralis腕骨间关节: articulatio intercarpeae; articulationes intercapeae; articulationes intercarpea; intercarpal articulations; intercarpal joints楔骨间关节: intercuneiform joints掌骨间关节: articulationes intermetacarpales; articulationes intermetacarpeae; articulations of metacarpal bones; intermetacarpal articulations; intermetacarpal ioints; intermetacarpal joints掌间关节: intermetacarpal joint指骨间关节: articulatio interphalangea; articulationes interphalangeae manus; articulationes interphalangeae maus; articulationes interphalangeales manus; articulations of digits of hand; interphalangeal articulations of fingers; interphalangeal articulations of hand; interphalangeal joints of hand; phalangeal articulations