However , overlying epithelial cell foot processes are effaced ( giving the appearance of fusion ) and run together 然而,脏层上皮细胞(足细胞)表面的足突消失或融合。
This is minimal change disease ( mcd ) which is characterized by effacement of the epithelial cell ( podocyte ) foot processes and loss of the normal charge barrier such that albumin selectively leaks out and proteinuria ensues 微小病变性肾小球肾炎,特点是:脏层上皮细胞(足细胞)的足突消失,正常的离子屏障丧失,表现为选择性白蛋白漏出,接着出现蛋白尿。
So , study of human brain microvascular endothelial cell ( hbmec ) will lead us to understand the regulative mechanism of bbb homeostasis , and pathogenesis of some cns disorders . escherichia coli k1 is the most common gram - negative pathogen of neonatal meningitis 血脑屏障主要由脑微血管内皮细胞,内皮细胞间的紧密连接,以及包绕内皮细胞的基膜和星形胶质细胞的足突组成,以严格限制致病因子及细胞进入脑内。