

  • downward mobility
  • :    hasten; hurry along
  • 下流:    lower reaches
  • :    harness cause disorder stir ...
  • 地下流动:    subsurface flow
  • 向下流动:    downflow; downward flow


        :    hasten; hurry along
        下流:    lower reaches
        :    harness cause disorder stir ...
        地下流动:    subsurface flow
        向下流动:    downflow; downward flow
        向下流动的:    down flowing; downflowing
        做下流动作:    make obscene gentures
        地下流动图式:    subsurface flow pattern
        流体物质向下流动:    defluxion
        下流:    1.(下游) lower reaches (of a river) 长江下流 the lower reaches of the changjiang river2.(卑鄙龌龊) low-down; mean; off colour; near the bone; obscene; dirty 下流的勾当 base acts; low-down behaviour [tricks]; 下流的谩骂 scurrilous attacks; coarse invectives; 下流的玩笑 dirty jests; obscene jests; coarse jokes; 说下流话 talk dirt; 写下流作品 write dirt; 他说的笑话很下流。 the jokes he told were quite off colour.; 下流话 obscene [dirty; foul] language; obscenities; 下流音乐厅 free-and-easy
        低温下流动迟缓的润滑油:    cold sluggish lubrication
        湿性趋下:    characteristic of dampness being descending; sampness tending to descend
        低温下流动迟缓的润滑作用:    cold sluggish lubrication
        冰下流:    underflow
        地下流:    su urface flow; subsurface flow; subterranean current; underground current
        使下流:    vulgarise; vulgarize
        往下流:    downflow
        下流槽:    down tank; downtand; downtank
        下流的:    barbarous; billingsgate; blue; brutal; caddish; downstream; fescennine; four-letter; fourscore; ignominious; improper; indecent; indelicate; low-minded; mechanical; of vileness; ribald; scummy; scurrilous; scurvly; scurvy - above reproach; sordid; underbred; ungentlemanly; ungraceful
        下流地:    barbarously; dowdily; foully; ignobly; indelicately; ribaldly; scurrilously; scurvily; swinishly; ungracefully
        下流阀:    drovalve
        下流法:    downflow technique
        下流管:    down pipe; downflow pipe; downspout conductor
        下流话:    four-letter word; raw remark; vulgarism
        下流坯:    a dirty dog


  1. "趋温性;向热性"英文
  2. "趋温性的, 体温调节的"英文
  3. "趋稳健"英文
  4. "趋细胞的"英文
  5. "趋细胞性"英文
  6. "趋先的"英文
  7. "趋向"英文
  8. "趋向, 走向"英文
  9. "趋向,倾向"英文
  10. "趋向,趋势"英文


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