Supertex , inc . is a technology - based producer of high voltage analog and mixed signal semiconductor components , primarily to interface between low voltage computer signals and high voltage applications in the real analog world 超科公司是一家以生产高电压模拟和混合信号半导体科技为基础的公司,主要应用在低压的计算机信号同高电压模拟领域应用电路的接口产品。
Ultra clean technology is an internationally recognized leader in the design engineering , and manufacture of gas and liquid delivery systems for semiconductor process equipment manufacturers and device makers 超科林半导体设备(上海)有限公司是一家世界领先的,专业制造气体或液体等管道输送机柜或管道系统设备的美国上市公司, 2004年在上海成立了其全球最大的制造基地。