超爆: overbreak靓: make up超爆: overbreak◇超爆控制爆破 overbreak control blasting鼓点: drum-buffer-rope; drumbeats; pisando ei c"espde超爆 超挖: overbreak鼓点子: 1.(鼓声节奏) drumbeats2.(戏曲中指挥其他乐器的鼓板节奏) clapper beats which set the tempo and lead the orchestra in traditional chinese operas激情鼓点: passion drums超爆控制爆破: overbreak control blasting厌倦了暗无天日的人们,让我们踏着鼓点前进: sick of the dark ways ,we march to the drumming超倍的: hyperploid超倍频程: superoctave超饱和设计: supersaturated design超倍体: hyperploid超饱和拌合: supersaturated mix超倍显微镜: supermicroscope; ultramicroscope超饱和: over-saturation 拥有超饱和的核力量 possess an over-saturation nuclear capacity