The history and development of the superconductor were introduced briefly in chapter one 第一章扼要描述了超导的历史与进展。
Standard specification for niobium - titanium alloy billets , bar , and rod for superconducting applications 用于超导的铌钛合金坯料棒材和条材的标准规范
What is the theory of high - tc superconductivity ? what interactions can successfully pair electrons 高温超导的理论是什么?产生电子对的相互作用是什么?
She has cooled them just shy of absolute zero ( - 459 degrees fahrenheit ) and observed their funky quantum doings , leading the way into an unexplored realm that holds implications for superconductivity ? the creation of resistance - less electrical flow 她将它们冷却至接近绝对零度,观察到它们诡异的量子行为,为一个未经探索的领域开辟了一条道路,那里蕴涵了超导的奥秘,材料的电阻可骤降至近乎零。
In the fifth chapter , we present the t - j model that is an important model in the system of strongly correlated electron and high temperature superconductivity at first . then , by using the ren ormalization group method , we investigate the t - j model and obtain the elementary excitation energy spectrum of it 在第五章中首先介绍了强关联电子和高tc超导的理论的一个重要模型即t - j模型,然后采用重整化群流方程方法研究t - j模型,导出出t - j模型的流方程,再由流方程求解出t - j模型的元激发能谱。