On the advance development of china ' s higher education 试论中国高等教育的超前发展
Research on the appropriately exceeding development of higher education 中国高等教育适度超前发展的研究
It is essential to develop urban infrastructure ahead at the initial stages and metaphase of economy development 基础设施在经济发展的初期和中期具有超前发展的客观必要性。
The author maintains that strategic problems should be solved before a substantial development of the shipping industry is achieved 为了尽快改变这一滞后状况,真正使航运业超前发展,必须解决其发展战略问题。
The communications service sector , as a basic and leading industry which should develop at a moderately higher speed , is expected to grow at a rate not lower than 12 % 而通信服务作为一种基础性、应适度超前发展的先导产业,产值有望保持不低于12 %的增长速度。
超前: speed-up; outstrip; lead; le ...发展: develop; expand; grow; burge ...组超前发送: group advance send成组超前发送: grouadvance send目前发展: actuel developpement向前发展: move forward超前发射深水炸弹: ahead thrown weapon目前发展水平: state-of-the-act目前发展水平说明: state-of-the-art statement推动社会向前发展: propel the society forward有目前发展水平的: state-of the-art前发: antedating; anticipation目前发展水平, 目前工艺水平: state of the art中国一直高速向前发展: china has been developing at a high speed in the past years超前: speed-up; outstrip; lead; leading; preact; prediction; [航海学] advance; advancing前发火: ahead firing前发际: the anterior hair line前发酵: primary fermentation超前波: advance wave超前的: advanced; advancing超前角: advance angle; angle of advance; angle of lead; lead angle; leading phase angle超前距: overhang超前式: look ahead system超前势: advance potential; advanced potential超前卫: trans-avantgarde