超人: be out of the common run前: front传: commentaries on classics超人前传2x01: the smallville超人前传1集: smallville arrival超人前传第1季: smallville season 1超人前传第2季: smallville season 2超人前传第3季: smallville season 3超人前传第4季: smallville season 4超人前传第5季: smallville season 5超人前传第6季: smallville season 6超人前传第7季: smallville season 7超人首部曲超人前传: smallville s06"arrow驱魔人前传: exorcist the beginning; exorcist:the begining; pmpavc驱魔人前传:启示录: the exorcist 4 - the beginning我的超人前女友: my super ex girlfriend; my super ex-girlfriend人前: company前传: before crisis ff7; mkz; seal of evil; the texas chainsaw massacre the beginning unrated; vorpass超人: 1.(超过一般人) be out of the common run 超人的记忆力 exceptionally good memory2.[哲学] superman (as defined by nietzsche) 他在智力[体力]上是个超人。 he is a superman in mental faculties [physical strength].; 超人哲学 philosophy of a superman 仲人前: ren-qian zhong前传ii: star wars episode ii attack of the clones向前传: pass forward跪在人前: fall on one's knees before sb.; kneel at sb.'s feet人前逞能: exhibit one's prowess in the presence of人前时代: anecumene