起伏: rise and fall; ups and downs ...衰落: decline; be on the wane; go ...时间: time; hour衰落时间: decay time; fading time滴落时间: drain time; draintime降落时间: fall time日落时间: sunset time下落时间: down time; fall time; lowering time; time of fall涨落时间: fluctuation time坠落时间: drotime水位降落时间: time of fall时间起伏: time jitter焊条头垂落时间: head lowering time接触器脱落时间: contactor releasing time控制棒下落时间: drop time衰落持续时间: fading duration时间选择性衰落: time selective fading衰落: decline; be on the wane; go downhill; fading; decay; decaying; lapse; erode 日趋衰落 fall into decay with each passing day; be on the decline; 日益衰落 be on the wane; 作为一个世界强国, 这个国家已经衰落。 the nation declined as a world power. 旧文化很快地衰落下去。 the old civilization was fast falling into decay 起伏: rise and fall; ups and downs; heave rolling; undulate; fluctuate 起伏不平的地形 a wavy terrain; 起伏的波涛 theheaving billows; 关系起伏 ebb and flow of the relations; ups and downs in the relations; 山峦起伏。 the mountain ranges rise and fall日落时: acronical; at sunset〔美国〕月落;月落时。: moon-down合盖跌落时: one time for each face with closed flip几度花落时: a few flowers falls the hour; at the time that flower fall; how many times did the flower fall; when flower fails; when the flowers fall开盖跌落时: onetime for each face with opened flip日落时角: sunset hour angle