- take a wrong path; follow a zigzag course; travel a tortuous road; take a tortuous course; take a roundabout route; make a detour; do in a wrong way
- 避免走弯路: avoid detours
- 少走弯路: save twists and turns; avoid detours 少走弯路, 避免失误 avoid detours and mistakes
- 少走弯路,避免失误: avoid detours and mistakes
- 少走弯路避免失误: avoid detours and mistakes
- 弯路: 1.(不直的路) winding course; crooked road; tortuous path2.(多费的冤枉功夫) roundabout way [course]; detour 避免走弯路 avoid detours; 走弯路 make a detourdrum-type boiler