走向: run; trend; alignment世纪: 90年代 the nineties of the 20t ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...科技: science and technology产业: estate; property industrial合作: cooperate; collaborate; work ...议程: agenda中国亚太经合组织科技产业合作基金: china apec science and technology industry cooperation fund创新化的科技产业管理: innovative management of technology industry面向21世纪的合作伙伴关系: cooperative partnershitoward the 21st century高科技产业: high-tech industry; hightechnology industry; high-technologyindustry中国21世纪议程: china's agenda; china’s agenda科技产业组织: biotechnology industry organization中国科技产业: science & technology industry of china产业合作社: cooperative20世纪的科学成就: 20th century#science and technology21世纪的前一天: strange days21世纪的知识组织: knowledge organization in the 21st century随着21世纪的到来: adverse adverse妇女21世纪发展议程: a women's development agenda for the 21st century生物科技产业组织: biotechnology industry organisation新兴高科技产业: rising and high-tech industries联合国走向21世纪: united nations: towards the 21st century the世纪的科学怪杰鲍林: exe( 980,k)大学与产业合作: university-industry collaboration